Mission 0: In the beginning....

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Mission Info

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After being hauled out of storage, USS Tecumseh is completed becoming the final super carrier to enter service, as the crew arrives they begin to prepare for launch.

Start Date Sat Apr 27th, 2024 @ 1:30pm

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Title Timeline Location
The Calm Within the Storm
by Lieutenant Commander Alex Carter
The Ops Officer...
by Lieutenant Commander Alex Carter & Captain Mackenzie Lowe
MD 1, 0800hrs Flight deck (deck 29 entrance)
by Lieutenant Commander Atarangi Renard-Aukai MD
MD 0 2140 Aukai's Quarters, Deck 3
An introduction... the XO arrives
by Captain Mackenzie Lowe & Commander Tyrion Flynn
MD 1 - 0730 Captain's Ready Room, Deck 1, USS Tecumseh
Idioms, Unwanted Change and One Epic Party
by Commander Tyrion Flynn
MD 1 - 0700 Various
The Adventure begins...
by Chief Petty Officer Elizabeth (Ellie) Banks
MD 1 0745 Flight deck, Transport shuttle Steinbach
A Dear John letter....
by Captain Mackenzie Lowe
MD 0 1955hrs The Ready room
Check In
by Captain Mackenzie Lowe & Lieutenant Commander Atarangi Renard-Aukai MD
MD 1 0930 The Ready room
Where hero's begin
by Captain Mackenzie Lowe & Rear Admiral Jarred Wallace
Day 0 - 1130 hrs Sol System, Jupiter Shipyard

Mission Summary

The mission is set over a seven day period where the majority of the crew arrives,