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The Ops Officer...

Posted on Tue Aug 13th, 2024 @ 12:07am by Lieutenant Commander Alex Carter & Captain Mackenzie Lowe

590 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Mission 0: In the beginning....
Location: Flight deck (deck 29 entrance)
Timeline: MD 1, 0800hrs


Mack had gotten a page to come down too the flight deck an officer had arrived, he saw a yellow vested deck crewman escorting the uniformed officer over to the threshold of the main entry, he waved off the crewman as the new arrival stepped in, "Lieutenant Commander Alex Carter I presume?"

"Yes sir." Alex saluted at what appears to be the Captain based on his pips. "Permission to come aboard sir."

"Permission granted," he paused "I've got this crewman!"

Mack motioned for the newcomer to follow, "First time aboard an Ascension class ship?"

"Yes sir. I've been on some others - but this is amazing. I've done a lot of research on her and the departments so this will be a great assignment." Alex said.

Mack smiled, "When I was screening candidates for staff I noticed you've split your time between ops and Engineering, with some very strong references from your former chief engineer on the Paladin, along with several of your other assignments, I need that kind of ambition especially considering how our initial mission cycle has been set up and in all honesty I'm going to need self starting officers like you to offset fighter pilots and marines that will be arriving over the next few days because I'll need an operations officer whose willing to learn."

"Of course. I love learning. I wanted to excel at what I could do and this is a great place to do so. There is a lot to learn here and this ship and crew look like the best ones to help me achieve that goal. I'll do whatever is needed to help you sir." Alex nodded.

"While the majority of the action may be taking place on the flight deck," Mack said gesturing to the three hundred meter long landing bay "I'm hoping it'll be more than launching fighters, I flew twenty plus missions during the Dominion war I hope we don't have to be part of missions like that again."

"I can repair, and I can organize. Flying though fun and exciting, was never my specialty. I'm more of a tech nerd. Learning the nitty gritty of everything." Alex said

Mack smiled, he liked this officer, "Good, as the remaining offices arrive we'll expand planning of a few drills while we're out on out initial cruise mostly to ensure we're ready for whatever is awaiting us, but for now we're into the final stages of outfitting the ship for our initial cruise, we're still on shipyard hours so formal shifts won't start until departure in the next few days."

"Sounds like a plan sir. I'll probably start looking at what is already in the system from the various departments and making sure we are getting prepared and the orders are coming in to set up the ship." Alex said. "No relaxing until the jobs done." he grinned.

"That's good to...."Mack was interrupted by a page.

=^="Captain Lowe sir the shipyard team is ready to run the power testing scheduled for this time."=^= a voice reported

"Thank you crewman" Mack smiled "As you see there isn't a huge rush and again welcome aboard." he said extending his hand to shake.

Alex shook Mack's hand. "Thank you sir. It will be a pleasure to work with you."

"You too, Crewman Wakeman will show you to your quarters." Mack said as he stepped back.

Alex nodded to the Captain and then focused on Crewman Wakeman. "Follow me sir" the crewman said as Alex headed off to find his quarters.


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