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Tue Aug 13th, 2024 @ 12:07am

Captain Mackenzie Lowe

Name Mackenzie Steven Lowe

Position Commanding Officer

Rank Captain

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 44

Physical Appearance

Height 184 cm
Weight 82.35 Kg
Hair Color Dark Blonde
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Mackenzie is typical in stature of most fighter pilots, short cut hair, slightly muscular.


Spouse Katrina (estranged)
Children Kyle (Age 11)
Eric (Age 9)
Father Raymond
Mother Emma
Brother(s) Derrick
Other Family Numerous

Personality & Traits

General Overview While like most pilots Mackenzie is confident in his abilities he's become tempered in his his decisions by his time in service.
Strengths & Weaknesses Mackenzie is extremely confident in is abilities it can come off as arrogant to some, but he's learned the lessons that come with failure and the lessons that come from it.
Ambitions Mackenzie is always looking to improve on things in his life, but he'd like to be more involved with his kids.
Hobbies & Interests Hiking, Camping, Hockey, skiing

Personal History Mackenzie growing up always wanted to be a pilot, as he got older he saw some footage of the battles with the Dominion showing a few fighters taking on the Jem'Hidar and it struck him as what he wanted to do in starfleet, after being accepted Mackenzie did everything to graduate early, and as a pilot; a fighter pilot.

Mackenzie graduated in the late part of 2374 and was assigned to Starbase 32 where he spent six months flying patrol and escorting convoys, while he found the work enjoyable he wanted to fly combat, when his transfer to USS Colossus put him behind the controls of a recon fighter he oddly enough found that to be not only what he wanted he managed to earn a reputation for taking risks. He quickly found himself promoted to flight leader and the additional duties of being the maintenance coordinator for the squadron aboard USS Williamstown. During this tour he quickly racked up 15 kills in 16 engagements alone, by the end of the war in 2375 his final count was 25 making him one of a handful of quintuple aces in Starfleet, now a Lieutenant Commander he was reassigned to Starbase 88 where he became the bases squadron Commander, this ended up being a short lived assignment as he was quickly assigned to the newly launched USS Nimitz as it's Squadron Commander.

During his time on the Nimitz the majority of his time training pilots, and finding himself looking for the next challenge, that would come when he was offered the Wing Commander for the Tycho colony, while planetary defense was the main mission, he found himself spending less time flying and more time behind a desk, this ended when a chance to return to the fighter training school came up he took the transfer, he further found himself as one of the lead instructors and flight leaders of the aggressor squadron for training the federations next generation of pilots, he was merciless to the students regularly saying 'there's no room for second place'. Many of his students found that his hard lessons created a second generation of pilots who'd be ready for the next threat to the Federation.

At the end of 2382 academic year during a break Mackenzie met Katrina Lenz, while the relationship was fired up and seemed passionate duty would often become a friction point between them. While his relationship with Katrina would be on occasion difficult he found himself promoted to Commander and assigned as first officer to the auxiliary carrier USS Denmark where he would spend only a single tour of three years, during that time he and Katrina would marry, at the end of 2390 Mackenzie would find himself flying even less and eventually as first officer aboard USS Clancy until the early part of 2400, during the refit events of Frontier day would take place, trapped on earth there was little that he could do accept watch as those events unfolded.

Mackenzie and Katrina found themselves at an impasse in their relationship, Mackenzie chose to oversee the completion of USS Tecumseh and eventually taking command.
Service Record Starfleet academy - Fighter pilot school
Starbase 32 - Fighter squadron
USS Colossus - Recon Flight
USS Williamstown - Flight leader/Maintenance coordinador
Starbase 88 - Squadron Commander
USS Nimitz - Squadron Commander
Tycho Colony - Wing Commander
Advanced Tactical School - Aggressor Squadron/Instructor
USS Denmark - First officer
USS Clancy - First officer/Refit commander
USS Tecumseh - Commanding officer