
The Cave

Posted on Sun Oct 13th, 2024 @ 12:38am by Captain Mackenzie Lowe

528 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Mission 0: In the beginning....
Location: Tarod IX - Cadon Valley dam project
Timeline: Stardate 79759.23 (24 hours earlier)
Tags: Prelude


The away team had been ordered too explore and verifiy that the two natural caves that were between the temporary dam and the new one that was a few days from completion, The beams of beacon lights jutted out into the darkness, the quartet that had been asked to survey the cave made there way.

"I wasn't expecting so much mud on the floor." one member of the away team said

"They had three solid days of rain that delayed construction let alone the final walk through of the caverns that we're doing now, they wanted this done a week ago and in order to get back on schedule." another commented

"Hey!" someone called out "Check this out!"

===Forty-five minutes later===

A tricorder scanned the object as another person gently scraped the mud away from it, "It's a computer of some kind." someone commented.

"Judging by the mud and dried soil it's been here for six plus years, intentionally." the speaker said as they turned it over revealing an embossed logo in the outter shell, "Call the captain."

Mack matterialized outside the cave opening and one of the away team waiting, "Sir we found somekind of computer or computer module in the cave, if you'll follow me." the crew man motioned.

As he walked through the cave he looked around, his thoughts were interupted as they approached the remaining members of the away team, their lights shining on the opject, Mack knelt down to examine it, "Case it up and get it back too the ship." He said looking to the team leader, "Make sure the rest of the cave is cleared and return too the ship, don't discuss this with anyone." he said as one of the team handed the captain a case with the mysterioius oeject in it.

Mackenzie walked too the mouth of the cavern and tapped his commbadge . "One to beam up."

He materialized in the transporter room and walked with purpose to a turboloft, he exited and turned too the left heading for the secured lock up where he opened it up and placed the case on a shelf, he opened the case and lifted the unit out of the case, "Computer scan this unit, verify it's origin."

After a few seconds the computer spoke "A memory Alpha module."

Mackenzie looked at it, "Send images to Memory Alpha along with it's identity code to verify it."

"Wait time is twenty hours six minutes." the mechanical voice said.

Mackenzie locked the case and secured it in a locker. He left the lockup and walked back too the turbolift, "Computer send duplilcate images too Rear Admiral Wallace."

Mackenzie arrived back at his quarters and sat at the desk, he opened his computer, "Access files on project icarus, Lowe Alpha six three six Chost Rider."

A video file opened with an engineering diagram, Mackenzie sat back looking at it, he knew that this was bound to happen sooner instead of later, he paused the playback "Computer schedule a senior staff meeting for zero nine forty-five tomorrow." he paused keying in some commands "Update all security clearences as well."


Captain Mackenzie Lowe
Commander USS tecumseh



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