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Check In

Posted on Sun May 12th, 2024 @ 5:43pm by Captain Mackenzie Lowe & Lieutenant Commander Atarangi Renard-Aukai MD
Edited on on Thu Jun 13th, 2024 @ 7:24pm

1,284 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Mission 0: In the beginning....
Location: The Ready room
Timeline: MD 1 0930


There was something somewhat spooky about an old spaceframe being refit. Random sounds and echoes filled stripped and half-refinished halls. On a ship this large, Engineering, Ops, and Stardock had their work cut out for them. The crew was trickling in, and things were coming along, but it was deck by deck, section by section. Even at breakneck speeds, it felt slow. But ceremony always had a way of making one place feel finished before the rest. The turbo-lift hissed to a halt at deck one, and the medical officer found herself staring out into the nearly empty bridge. A skeleton crew kept eyes on things as work progressed on their set up. She quickly noticed eyes turning towards her when she stepped out onto the dimly lit bridge. An Ops officer just quickly gave her a nod towards the ready room.

She nodded and slipped in that direction. It was a few more steps than she was used to. Alita bridges were smaller. Flight Ops was in the wrong spot. Everything was shifted just enough to be familiar but unsettling. It didn't matter; she'd get used to it. Her finger found the door chime, and she waited for a moment. She hoped the computer hadn't lied to her about where the CO was currently.

Mackenzie was on the bridge checking on the last of the outfitting before the launch of the ship, was scheduled to launch, he'd gotten a message that the CMO and some of the medical staff had arrived, upon finding out his new CMO was a Cygian he felt the little more confident, he'd only met a small number of this particular race but they were a very determined and tenacious people so his confidence was more justified, he'd made his way back to the ready room to begin going over the stack of pre-departure reports.

"Enter!" Mackenzie barked out of habit that had been forming the last two days.

When offered an entrance, Atarangi stepped into the ready room. She was in her full uniform, white coat included, and offered over a data device with her orders out of instinct, though it was clear that those large yellow eyes were taking in everything she could in the room, though mostly just out of curiosity. It made her realize she still had her own quarters and office to set up - and a massive medical team to go through.

"Kia Ora, Captain. Doctor Aukai reporting," She said quickly, before letting her eyes fully settle on him. "Er, Lieutenant Commander Atarangi Renard-Aukai," She stepped close enough to make sure he could reach the padd she offered, but no closer, keeping her stance and demeanor polite and professional. She had a thousand questions at the surface behind those eyes, but for her research, she couldn't find his command style in the available notes - so she opted to play it safe.

Mackenzie looked up from a report, "Doctor! welcome aboard." he paused "When I saw the entire medical staff were going to arrive in the first wave of staff arrivals it was a welcome event." motioning for the doctor to take a seat, "How do the medical facilities measure up for you?"

She paused and glanced to the seat. It took her a second, but she accepted after a moment of thought. "That's the question of the hour, isn't it?" She adjusted the chair and sat down. "On paper, great. The Anansi had a main sickbay and only a sort of Defiant style secondary near the hangar, so this is a big upgrade in size for me. Three sickbays is daunting, but I don't know why a secondary next to the hangar isn't universal across the Fleet." She added before realizing she was on a tangent, and she reigned herself back in. "I haven't had a chance to go through and check all of the systems yet, but if we can get some modern systems online in the frame, we'll have a near Starbase level hospital facility going. We'll have her as close as we can by launch." She said simply. She was confident, from her tone. Medical teams, especially right now, were ready to get going again, to make sure they were prepped for what was next. She suddenly seemed to remember something, "Oh, is there anything you'd like to request? Any medical gear you think we need to req' out of the normal lines? Or changes you'd like made to how things are run?"

Mackenzie smiled "When I was doing my walk around yesterday I noticed the auxiliary sickbay near the flight deck, on some levels I did question it initially, but my experiences during the war of having some for of medical staff close to a shot up fighter or a medical emergency from a returning shuttle mission, I did see a report about the last of the outfitting for the medical facilities beginning today so if you need any modifications done I think the shipyard engineers should be willing to help with any needs you have, but anything else just ask."

She nodded. "If I learned anything on Pararescue runs, it was that transporters are great when they work. A surgical suite near the hangar saves lives when they don't," She held a bittersweet smile for a second and changed the topic back. "I'll be sure to get you a list, though. Well, them a list, and you one for a heads up." She took a breath, "Two quick things. What's your ruling on uniform code for Medical?" She pointed to the pips on her collar. "These things have a tendency to keep lower ranks from admitting what stupid stuff got them hurt. Nothing slows down sickbay like a off-duty crewman scared we're gonna narc on them," She admitted, "I'd like to let team members on duty use jacket-less or white uniforms, and keep pips off. But understand if that is a no go."

Mackenzie was slightly surprised from the question, "Truthfully outside of certain situations I was hoping you and your staff would maintain a more medical attire, obviously certain field uniforms would be better for away missions but otherwise I'm fine with it being a professional medical uniform." He replied

"Good to hear we're on the same page there already," She said with a curt nod, "And second thing, when do you want to get your check up out of the way? I know Starfleet Medical already did one, but procedure is to have the CMO check when coming aboard a new ship to confirm. Are you the type of Captain that wants to get it out of the way? Avoid it?"

"Under normal circumstances I'd be down right away since I want to keep my flight status but we're supposed to be doing an engine test in less than an hour, I'll try and get down by the back half of my day." Mackenzie said as he saw a yeoman enter indicating the potential beginning of something involving engineering.

Atarangi noticed the shift, "Well, I will be where you expect most often. Swing by when you have time," She gave a smirk, "Oh, and if you're the type of Captain who doesn't mind knowing your crew, let's grab a coffee. Meet a little less formally, eh?" She pushed on her knees and stood, "I should get to my walk-through. And office. And quarters. And medical staff. And crew medical reports..." She stopped listing, knowing he was likely working with a much longer one. "With your permission, of course?"

"Of course Doctor, I'm probably going to set up a meet and greet after the remaining senior staff arrives." Mackenzie said as he stood again.



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