
Where hero's begin

Posted on Sat Apr 27th, 2024 @ 10:22pm by Captain Mackenzie Lowe & Rear Admiral Jarred Wallace

733 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Mission 0: In the beginning....
Location: Sol System, Jupiter Shipyard
Timeline: Day 0 - 1130 hrs


A lone shuttle being escorted by a fighter entered the outer marker of Jupiter Shipyard. Normally not and extraordinary event, even so today. The lone fighter bore the markings of the infamous 'Predator Squadron' a legendary group of pilots who'd flown some of the most dangerous missions during the war with the Dominion, the formation slowed to the specified speed as it entered the ship yards, the control station signaled, "This is Jupiter yard to arriving flight please respond."

"This is Indigo Alpha two, a flight of two with VIP's for USS Tecumseh." a voice replied "This flight is priority one one Alpha."

The flight control officer simply replied "Flight stick to assigned flight corridor wait for instructions from Tecumseh for landing directions."

As the two small craft changed formation into a single file pattern they made their way to the far side of the ship yard, passing several ships as they made their way to the last dry dock, a special one built specifically for the ship they were assigned to arrive at, USS Tecumseh, the last Ascension class ship ever built. The massive kilometer and half long ship was the razors edge of the spear in Starfleet's arsenal, capable of launching thirty-six fighters in under forty-five minutes, along with a massive collections of phasers and torpedoes, The Tecumseh was the last one built, now it was her turn to step out from the chaos of the days after the Frontier day disaster. The technology that lead to that disaster was banned, the powers that influenced it were defeated and the parades for the heros were had.

"Flight Indigo Alpha Two you are cleared for approach." a flight control officer called out over subspace,

=^="Hellrider has the ball."=^= the pilot of the fighter called

The fighter flew itself into alignment with the illuminated lighting on the landing deck, the strobing patterns were intended to provide a visual guide to land fighters under normal conditions, as the fighter began its descent onto the flight deck the pilot slowed bringing the fighter into a glide as it descended the landing gear opened and the pilot brought the craft down onto the ship with the skill of someone who'd done this exercise many times, as the fighter came to a slow the deck crew began the exercise of guiding the fighter to a parking position, with a second ground crew scrambled to secure the fighter, one of the deck crew pointed too the tail, showing the skull and crossed daggers of the predator squadron, another one pointed too the name stenciled below the canopy, Captain Mackenzie "Hellrider" Lowe.

The Shuttle was next to make it's landing, the pilot did what most would do landing a much smaller shuttle bay by gliding in while slowing then making a J-turn presenting the aft ramp as it landed. The engines became quiet and the ramp lowered two figures stood at the opening.

The deck crew near the fighter attached a ladder allowing the pilot to climb down, as his boots hit the deck several of them saluted, the pilot removed his helmet to reveal Mackenzie, he smiled as he looked around, one of the crew chiefs spoke "The officer of the watch is aware you've arrived sir."

Mackenzie carried his helmet with him as he walked over to the shuttle, "You weren't kidding when you said she was a big ship, you were certainly not joking."

"Well, there was plans for something bigger but it wasn't exactly reasonable, so you think you got what it takes." the older man, Rear Admiral Jarred Wallace said as he walked over. Being the newly appointed deputy Director for Starfleet Intelligence he'd seen his fair share of battles now in his fifties he had assumed his title after the events of Frontier day had resulted in a major shake up within starfleet, many of the senior staff who hadn't parished in the ensuing battles resigned at their own failings many more in disgrace.

"I think this is big enough, so where to next for you?" Mackenzie asked of the Admiral.

"I'm off the do an inspection of my own ship maybe go see how my son is doing." the older man paused "Good luck captain." shaking hands with Mackenzie.

"Good too see you again Admiral." Mackenzie said

Captain Mackenzie Lowe
Commanding officer USS Tecumseh

Rear Admiral Jarred Wallace
Starfleet intelligence



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