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Sun Jul 7th, 2024 @ 9:13pm

Commander Tyrion Flynn

Name Tyrion Flynn

Position Executive Officer

Rank Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Mesaaini
Age 32

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10"
Weight 160 lbs
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Lean and well-muscled, what's generally called a swimmer's physique, broad shoulders tapering to a narrow waist, with light blonde hair that extends down past his jawline and bright blue eyes. He has a birthmark that is often mistaken for a runic tattoo that covers his left shoulder blade and extends up the back of his neck.


> birth defect, common to all Mesaaini, on his left shoulder blade that extends up onto his neck, taking the shape of a runic tattoo. The Mesaaini believe it to be a gift given to them by their Gods. Glows when in contact with water (further reinforcing the idea that it's a spiritual gift.
> Unique lung arrangement (essentially dual lungs/one suited to breathing air and the other, to breathing water).
> Can breathe either air or water equally well. Does better, however in a humid environment. A place where there is no humidity whatsoever would cause his skin to dry out.
> Able to communicate telepathically (can’t read minds) but generally reserves that for when he is underwater
> Lifespan is 250 years.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Gidon
Mother Meytal
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family Niahll (Grandfather)

Personality & Traits

General Overview He’s been accused more than once of having an almost Vulcan-like calm but that’s more about his meditative practices than any sort of repression of feeling. He has an artistic appreciation of the natural world and is unapologetically curious about pretty much everything. He’s comfortable in silence, a by-product of his being able to breathe underwater, self-reliant and more than a little independent.

A warrior before his fifteenth birthday, who helped raid and restore sacred relics captured by the Ma’Zed while harassing their projects on Mesaain lands, he learned the possibilities of life when he came to live with the Flynn family. To honor the gift they gave him, he took their last name. It was while living with them that he truly embraced that bit of adrenaline junkie that coursed through his veins. He’s adventurous, nearly fearless, and always ready to discover what’s out there.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths
> Speaks Federation Standard with an accent, Mesaaini is his mother tongue. Also learned Vulcan while he was in school because he was interested in their meditation practices
> Values honesty and has a strong moral code - not afraid to speak his mind - but tempers his words with respect.

> Complete lack of humidity causes dry skin issues which, while not life threatening, can become problematic
> Needs time on his own as a way to recharge. On a busy ship, he does this through daily meditation.
Ambitions > To see what's out there and one day, when he's ready, return to his home world in peace
Hobbies & Interests > Spending time in the water
> Reading - especially murder mysteries
> Practices mixed martial arts
> Daily meditation
> New experiences - he’s a bit of an adrenaline junkie

Personal History Mesaain III is the homeworld of two distinctly different species, the Ma'Zed and the Mesaaini. Both believe they are the 'true' inhabitants, both have long and rich history, and both are right. Mesaain III is rare in that respect. Of the two species, the Ma'Zed are the more technologically advanced with a history of cannibalizing the natural world to fuel their efforts. They are territorial and have an expansionist philosophy that is in direct contrast with the Mesaaini who place the good of the society as a whole over advancement for its own sake. They revere the natural world as a gift and seek to preserve its beauty. The Mesaaini are a spiritual people who strive to be the best version of themselves, revering art and education, and personal growth. Every child is encouraged to take a pilgrimage, either by land or by sea, to learn the path they want to take in life.

Their philosophical differences made cooperation unlikely and while the Mesaaini were happy to leave the Ma'Zed to their own lands, the Ma'Zed did not agree. They turned greedy eyes toward the untapped resources on Mesaaini lands and used satellite mapping techniques to spy on their 'enemies'. The decision was easy enough to make. The Messaaini were determined to be inferior and thus, unworthy of the lands they held.

Ma'Zed encroachment on Mesaaini lands led to hostilities and over time, outright war. The peaceful Mesaaini were not as easily defeated as the Ma'Zed had assumed. They proved to be fiercely defensive of their lands and held a distinct advantage. The Mesaaini could breathe underwater while the Ma’Zed, with their denser musculature, could only drown. Over time, the Ma'Zed, who had both the technological edge and the advantage in numbers, wore them down. The war was brutal and when it ended, the Mesaaini were all but wiped out, saved for the elderly and three of the young ones, who had been removed early on to underwater cities, and those few warriors who retreated under cover of darkness.

The Ma'Zed celebrated their victory and moved into Mesaaini lands. With the war over and the world theirs, they returned to the great work for the Ma’Zed believed that the entire system was theirs. They completed the last tests for their warp-powered ship and within months of achieving their first warp-powered flight, petitioned the Federation for membership. However, their victory was not without its problems. There were inexplicable accidents without pattern or explanation. The Mesaaini it seemed had decided to continue the fight though they were much harder to find now that their bases were underwater.

Development of devices that could extend their reach into the planet’s oceans was given a higher priority. If the defeated could not be content with the scraps left to them, then the Ma’Zed would remove them as well.

For Tyrion, those were long and often lonely years. The underwater city, known as the Last City, was beautiful and filled with as many treasures as the people could rescue from the Ma’Zed. The old ones seemed happy amongst the memories of the past and spoke to the three boys about how it would be like once their lands were theirs again. For Tyrion, it felt as though he were living in a tomb. The future, when it was mentioned, existed only as some hazy ideal – driving the Ma’Zed out once and for all, restoring the land to what it was, but how that could happen when the people were gone, no one said.

By the age of ten, Tyrion was a soldier, learning how to plant explosives and gather intel, stealing artifacts from hidden places to bring back to the Last City. Parts of the old city, where the treasures were stored, were completely underwater as a last defense against the Ma’Zed because that was their reality. Already, strange mechanical devices had been caught attempting to infiltrate their borders. Tyrion was a soldier who expected to die young. He was a soldier who had little hope for the future.

And then a Starfleet away team arrived on Mesaain III to begin the preliminary evaluation for membership. While taking water and plant life samples, three young men came up out of the water, the youngest of them being Tyrion. All were Mesaaini and all had been part of the group fighting against the Ma’Zed through guerilla tactics intended to halt their progress without taking lives. Introductions were made and the Mesaaini, who spoke Ma’Zed, explained their side of the situation. As proof of their claims, all news to the Starfleet team, the young men took the team to their most sacred places, showed them temples and libraries, sanctuaries that were thousands of years old, and more.

Interference in the politics of Mesaain III was forbidden; and while Starfleet could and did recommend that the planet not be considered for membership, they could not also leave the Mesaain to certain genocide. The Federation, therefore, arranged for an embassy in the Last City, one where scientists could come and study Messaini culture and artifacts that were thousands of years old. Starfleet made it clear to the Ma’Zed that they would defend the Last City and their embassy. There was to be no further attacks against the Messaaini. For the three boys, the decision was finally, painfully, made to allow them to begin their pilgrimage.

And that led Tyrion to Earth where he was placed with the Flynn family. Michael Flynn, an instructor at Starfleet Academy, and his wife Margaret or ‘Maggie’ who left Starfleet to raise their six boys. The family lived in a chaotic beach house in the San Francisco Bay area. It was believed that proximity to the ocean would be the perfect way for him to transition from his old life into a new one.

What helped was the chaos of a home with six boys rapidly growing toward manhood. He was welcomed enthusiastically and before long, was considered a member of the family. His learning to communicate became a family project and he progressed quickly. The fifteen year old guerilla fighter, sworn to a hopeless quest, began to learn how to be a boy. There was school of course, where he studied the history of the Federation and its member worlds, but there were also adventures. The brothers, and their friends, and the friends he made on his own, taught him many things – surfing, camping out, bonfires on the beach, pranks, flirting, and family nights where they made popcorn and pizza and watched old movies. Discussions over board games. Impromptu football games and weekend getaways on the Flynn family boat.

Tyrion discovered genres and was fascinated by horror and the occult. He visited haunted houses, and with his friends, managed to sleep overnight in more than one of them. Nothing happened which was disappointing. Horror movies, improbable as they were, did not frighten him for long, and so, he lost interest. He found himself much more interested in crime and criminals. What made an individual choose to do harm. And from there, what made a species turn predatory.

There were weekly talks with his grandfather but the old man’s attempts to keep the cause of the people alive in the boy’s heart didn’t have the power it once had. Tyrion didn’t want to die on a hopeless quest. He wanted what the Flynns had in abundance. Life and adventure.

He began putting off the idea of returning to Mesaain and the cerebral, too quiet, life of the elderly who lived in the sea. When it came time to decide his future, the choice seemed clear. He wanted to join Starfleet, to help other worlds and peoples, the way the Federation was trying to help his own. And beyond that, he wanted to understand these predatory species better, to learn, and maybe one day, take those lessons back to his own people. Surprisingly, his grandfather, and really all of their small community, thought it was a good idea. Show the peoples of the universe what the Mesaaini are. Do not let us be forgotten.
Service Record Starfleet Academy, Security Major/Command Minor (four years)
USS Faraday, Security Officer (two years)
USS Faraday, Promoted to Asst. Chief of Security (two years)

Proved himself to be courageous under fire and good at out-of-the-box solutions. His inherent grace and charm, his natural respect for alien cultures, made him an asset to his away team assignments. It became evident early on that Tyrion was destined for more than security; he took the time to study and learn, to know what would be acceptable and what wouldn’t, while maintaining his focus on the protection of the away team.

USS Steadfast, Chief of Security and Second Officer (five years)

Was given increasing responsibility on his away team assignments and stood watches on the Bridge, usually Gamma Shift. Proved himself to be a natural leader who was willing to listen and not afraid to lead. At the end of four years, the Captain called him into the Ready Room and told Tyrion that he felt as though he were holding him back. That he was ready to take on a bigger role. The going away party was epic.

Participated in the ship’s annual team events - the crazier the better, that was the Captain’s motto - and won three years out of four.

Assumed the position of Acting First Officer when the actual First Officer was sent on a mission, off ship, for a period of one year.