Lieutenant JG Rowan Gray

Name Rowan Wilson Gray

Position Assistant Chief Engineering Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 28

Physical Appearance

Height 172 cm
Weight 82.35 Kg
Hair Color Dark Brown
Eye Color Grey/green
Physical Description Tall, thin, with the complexion of someone who's spent too many hours working and not enjoying life.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Barnaby
Mother Bianca
Brother(s) Cedric
Sister(s) Hannah
Other Family numerous

Personality & Traits

General Overview Rowan is typical of most engineering types, workaholic, fueled by the desire to accomplish the impossible and often can become fascinated the finest details on a project.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Detail oriented
+ Highly motivated
+ Technical background
Ambitions To be a chief engineer of a starship one day
Hobbies & Interests Rowan has few interests that he's known to participate in.

Personal History Rowan is the youngest of three children and the only one to enter starfleet. Rowan wanted to be on starships most of his life but he also wanted to fix things and even build them.

By age 17 he had already shown an aptitude for several areas of engineering he found his true strength when he built his first computer out of scraps and other salvaged components.

What started as a class project drew the attention of a starfleet recruiter who urged Rowan to apply for the academy even if it was an NCO he'd find his abilities could be refined and honed into a strong engineer.

During his first few weeks at the academy he found that doing more than just cobbling together computers and repairing warp drives, the classes were stimulating filling a personal void that he didn't realise he had.
Service Record Repair team - USS Lewiston
Team leader - USS Davidson
Shift engineer - USS Essex
Lead shift engineer - USS Omaha
Ass't Chief engineer - USS Jacksonville